Metadata Block

Table of Contents

The metadata must follow the format:

// ==UserScript==
// @key value
// ==/UserScript==

Each line of the block must start with //, the first line must be // ==UserScript== and the last line must be // ==/UserScript==. No extra space is allowed at the beginning or ending of line.

Some of the keys can be localized for multiple languages, by adding a colon and the locale code to the key, e.g. @name:zh-CN. The locale code is case insensitive.


  • required The key must be set.
  • multilingual The key can be localized by appending a colon and the locale code, e.g. `@name:zh-CN`.
  • multiple The key can be set multiple times.



The name of the script, shown in script list and menus. It must be unique within a @namespace. If a script is being installed, and a script with the same @namespace and @name already exists, it will be replaced by the new one. Creating a script with same @namespace and @name will cause a conflict error.


// @name          Violentmonkey Script
// @name:zh-CN    暴力猴脚本


The combination of @namespace and @name is the unique identifier for a userscript. @namespace can be any string, for example the homepage of a group of userscripts by the same author. If not provided the @namespace falls back to an empty string ('').


// @namespace

@match / @exclude-match


Define rules to decide whether a script should be executed. It is recommended to use @match instead of @include.

See more about matching.

@include / @exclude


The old way to decide whether a script should be executed.

See more about matching.


Version of the script, it can be used to check if a script has new versions. It is composed of several parts, joined by .. Each part must start with numbers, and can be followed by alphabetic characters.

Note: If no @version is specified, the script will not be updated automatically.


// @version 1.0

// @version 1.2a.3



A brief summary to describe the script.


// @description         This script rocks.
// @description:zh-CN   这个脚本很棒!


Specify an icon for the script.


// @icon



Require another script to execute before the current one. The value is the URL to the required script, which may be relative to the URL the script is being installed from.

The required script will be downloaded along with installation and execute before the script.

Local files are not allowed to be required due to security concern. Also it does not make sense since scripts are supposed to work on different devices.


// @require



Some static resources that can be accessed in the script by GM_getResourceText and GM_getResourceURL. The value is composed of two parts, joined with one or more white spaces. The first part is the name of the resource, no white space is allowed in it. The second part is the URL to the resource, which may be relative to the URL the script is being installed from.

The resource will be downloaded along with installation and can be accessed when the script executes.


// @resource logo
// @resource text


Decide when the script will execute.

Several values can be set for @run-at:

  • document-end default

    The script executes when DOMContentLoaded is fired. At this time, the basic HTML of the page is ready and other resources like images might still be on the way.

  • document-start

    The script executes as soon as possible. There is no guarantee for the script to execute before other scripts in the page.

    Note: in Greasemonkey v3, the script may be ensured to execute even before HTML is loaded, but this is impossible for Violentmonkey as a web extension.

  • document-idle

    The script executes after DOMContentLoaded is fired.


When present, the script will execute only in top level document, but not in nested frames.

// @noframes



Specify which special APIs should be granted and can be used when the script executes.

If no @grant is present, @grant none is assumed.

  • In case you don't need special API or sandboxing

    // @grant none

    Sandbox is disabled in this mode, meaning the script can add/modify globals directly without the need to use unsafeWindow.

  • In case any special API is used, it must be explicitly granted

    // @grant GM_getValue
    // @grant GM_setValue

In addition to GM API the following privileges may be granted:

  • // @grant window.close

    Since VM2.6.2
    Allows closing the tab via window.close()

  • // @grant window.focus

    Since VM2.12.10
    Allows focusing the tab via window.focus() even if the user didn't interact with it first.


Added in Violentmonkey v2.10.0

Decide which context the script will be injected into.

If not set in the metadata block, the default value page will be used. However, you can change the default value in Violentmonkey settings.

Possible values:

  • page default

    Inject into context of the web page.

    In this mode, unsafeWindow refers to the window object, allowing the script to access JavaScript objects of the web page, just like normal page scripts can.

  • content

    Inject into context of content scripts.

    In this mode, unsafeWindow refers to the global object in content script. As a result, the script can access and modify the page's DOM, but cannot access JavaScript objects of the web page.

  • auto

    Try to inject into context of the web page. If blocked by CSP rules, inject as a content script.


The URL the script can be downloaded from. Checked for updates automatically at a regular interval, and also manually on user request. Automatically added when using "Install from URL."


If supplied, the question mark icon in the user scripts list will link to this.


If supplied, the home icon in the user scripts list will link to this.